LEHVOSS Group – Blog – Customized Polymer Materials

Plastic compounds for medical technology: developments and trends

Written by LEHVOSS - Customized Polymer Materials | May 14, 2024 5:30:00 AM

What issues are driving development? What can we expect? In the following 3 minutes of reading time, you will gain an up-to-date insight into aspects that will help you to master future challenges in medical technology more successfully. The headlines:


  • The future of plastics processing is the circular economy: how recyclates are also changing medical technology
  • Frying fat for defibrillators? Still a dream of the future ...
  • Not a dream of the future: bio-based long fiber thermoplastics (LFT)
  • Revolutionary PEEK: color variety and thermal conductivity for advanced medical technology!

 The future of plastics processing is the circular economy: How recyclates are also changing medical technology.

The use of post-industrial recyclates in medical technology will continue to increase significantly. This practice is not only environmentally friendly, but also makes economic sense, as the quality is already high and will continue to increase. The days when sprues and rejects were disposed of - i.e. incinerated or disposed of in landfill sites - are over.

Compounders or material developers who have mastered the reprocessing of sprues and rejects will play an increasingly important role in this context and become a success factor.


The prerequisites for this are:

  • suitable and proven systems,
  • has many years of expertise in recycling and reprocessing technical polymers such as polyamides and PC/ABS - as well as high-temperature polymers such as PEEK,
  • consistently high process reliability and product quality,
  • always supplying customers/partners promptly,
  • reliable relationships/sources for recycled materials,
  • short transportation routes to keep the environmental balance positive and
  • ensuring closed loops, within which materials can be taken back and processed into new compounds.

With its LUVOTECH eco product line, LEHVOSS already offers a proven, high-quality solution in this respect.


Frying fat for defibrillators? Still a dream of the future ...

The use of plastics based on deep-frying fat or discarded/recycled components from medical technology currently still faces major hurdles in terms of quality requirements, risk factors and technological complexity.

Other sustainable approaches and materials are available for medical technology that are already established or at an advanced stage of research and development. These are based on recycled plastics (from post-industrial grades), bio-based polymers or other innovative technologies that are much better tailored to the specific requirements of medical technology.


Not a dream of the future: bio-based long fiber thermoplastics (LFT)

Long fiber thermoplastics (LFT) - alongside carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics - are also known to play a decisive role in the substitution of metals in medical technology. They combine a high modulus of elasticity with excellent strength and toughness, which makes them ideal for demanding applications in medical devices. The use of bio-based LFT compounds from LEHVOSS not only improves the performance of these components, but also reduces their ecological footprint.

By combining mechanical properties, sustainability and versatility, long fiber thermoplastics are a promising option for the development of future medical technology components and contribute significantly to the promotion of environmentally friendly and advanced healthcare.


Revolutionary PEEK: color variety and thermal conductivity for advanced medical technology

The range of additional benefits for medical technology has grown once again. In addition to the well-known outstanding mechanical properties, LUVOCOM PEEK compounds also offer the possibility of combining bright, intense colors with improved thermal conductivity. While the variety of colors opens up possibilities for the visual design of medical devices and implants, the improved thermal conductivity supports heat dissipation, for example. The development of such customized PEEK compounds thus marks another important step towards advanced medical technology and illustrates the company's commitment to innovation and quality in plastics processing.


Conclusion: It remains innovative.

In this blog post, we have taken a look at the latest innovations and trends regarding sustainable material solutions and customized compounds in medical technology. From long fiber thermoplastics (LFT) with bio-based polymers and high-quality recyclates with a reduced carbon footprint to the further development of PEEK compounds with special color adjustment and thermal conductivity - the industry is undergoing an exciting transformation.

The integration of sustainability, performance and functionality in medical technology materials is constantly opening up new possibilities for innovative, highly efficient applications.

In particular, the challenges involved in the production of high-quality plastics for medical technology require specialized know-how and technological expertise.

LEHVOSS has mastered this art of material development and offers customized solutions for demanding applications. If you would like to find out more about these innovative compounds and material solutions, please contact Wolfram Hasert, Senior Expert Technical Sales. He will be happy to help you with your questions and decision-making.