3. April 2023
Reducing the carbon footprint starts with material purchasing.
In the course of the European Green Deal, the call for environmentally friendly alternatives and closed-loop systems is also becoming louder and louder in the area of technical compounds. More and more companies are therefore already using recyclates when purchasing materials in order to reduce their carbon footprint and thus meet the requirements of the market. High-quality recyclates that can be used technically are in greater demand than ever before. They make a valuable and, above all, verifiable contribution to significantly reducing the ecological footprint.
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25. February 2022
Sustainable engineering plastics for classic applications in measurement and control technology
The year is 1985: In the USA, President Ronald Reagan is running for his second term in office; in England, Boris Becker is the youngest player ever to win the Wimbledon tennis tournament; in Hamburg - Germany's second-largest city - Lehmann&Voss&Co has recently started producing and selling "high-performance compounds"; and the subject of recycling is increasingly making its way into everyday life. More and more municipalities in Germany have recently started to install wastepaper containers in addition to the then still young waste glass containers; more and more people are including terms such as "resource conservation," "secondary raw materials," "value chain" or even "recycling" in their everyday vocabulary. No one yet suspects that in a few years Reagan will shout to the then Soviet president in Berlin: "Mr. Gorbachev - tear down that wall!"; that Boris Becker will win Wimbledon two more times, or that the topics of recycling and sustainability will become the megatrend of neo-ecology or central economic factors that will influence all business spheres. But as we all know, that should change soon ...
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20. January 2022
Innovative and sustainable plastics for industrial additive manufacturing
With the LUVOSINT and LUVOCOM 3F materials, the LEHVOSS Group offers optimized materials for industrial 3D printing.
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19. January 2022
LUVOTECH® eco PEEK: high-performance compounds with an improved ecological balance
Many markets and industries cannot do without the use of thermoplastic high-temperature compounds. Together with its subsidiary WMK Plastics, the LEHVOSS Group has developed strong, ecological alternatives to new goods based on material recycling.
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- 3D printing (6)
- 3D printing filament (4)
- Additive manufacturing (3)
- Application development (2)
- Application technology (2)
- Bicycle components (1)
- Carbon fiber (3)
- Carbon fiber compounds (3)
- Carbon footprint (4)
- CFRP processing (1)
- Chemical resistance (1)
- Coefficient of friction (2)
- Compounds (7)
- Conductivity (1)
- Contract manufacturing (1)
- Cost reduction (3)
- Customized compounds (1)
- Design suitable for plastics (2)
- Development process (1)
- Energy saving (1)
- Extrusion (4)
- Extrusion printing (2)
- Fluoropolymers (1)
- Friction (2)
- Functional prototypes (1)
- High temperature resistance (1)
- High-performance compounds (7)
- High-temperature plastics (2)
- Individual (1)
- Injection moulding (2)
- Innovation (2)
- Laser sintering powder (2)
- LCF (1)
- LFT (2)
- LGF (1)
- Lightweight construction (3)
- Long fiber compounds (1)
- Long fiber theromplastics (4)
- Material development (5)
- Medical technology (1)
- Metal replacement (6)
- Metal substitute (1)
- Mold design (1)
- Orthopedic technology (1)
- Orthoses (1)
- PAEK (1)
- PEEK (2)
- Plain bearings (1)
- Plastics (8)
- Powder bed fusion (1)
- Process design (1)
- Recycling (2)
- Reproducibility (1)
- Serial production (1)
- Sliding pairing (1)
- Sterilizability (1)
- Stiffness (1)
- Strength (3)
- Sustainability (4)
- Technical plastics (2)
- Toll compounding (1)
- Tooling (1)
- Tribological plastics (3)
- Tribology (4)
- Wear (2)
- Weight saving (2)